Dead Sea Facial Products

Beauty and Health Found in the Sea

Dead Sea Salts and its Benefits

The natural resource in Dead Sea Facial Products are packed with healthy nutrients for the body. These life-giving minerals heals, hydrates and in essence is a type of preventive medicine. Through weekly baths using Dead Sea salts, the body builds a resistance to bacteria, viruses and parasites. It is a natural skin antiseptic. Many who suffer skin irritation and inflammation find relief from regular bathing in these sea salts. All of these health benefits come from including a weekly relaxing soak in calming and soothing sea salts.

Dead Sea Facial Products

Women invest their time and money in beauty treatments hoping the product will work. Many are stunned by the outstanding effectiveness of using Shemen Amour Dead Sea Facial Products on their skin. The richness of the salt minerals works to help condition all types of skins. More than 21 powerful healing minerals are found in Dead Sea salts. These minerals can calm the body and nervous system so they help slow aging. Dead Sea Facial Products will leave you with healthier skin that is clear and youthful looking. Everyone knows how supple and glowing healthy skin is. With Dead Sea Facial Products, you get skin that is supple, glowing, and naturally more youthful.

Vitamins and Minerals from Dead Sea Water

The vitamins and minerals found in Dead Sea water offer a higher quality of life for regular users. Shemen Amour creates products rich in the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals found in the Dead Sea Facial Products. Their spa products are used to relax muscles, soothe aching joints and more. Therapeutically, bathing in their Dead Sea salt products can relieve dry skin, even smooth wrinkles. There is much life revived from these products that also make a great natural beauty gift.